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Dedicated to the elimination of alcoholism


We believe that modern medicine has brought hope for those trapped by alcohol, and we intend to make that hope accessible to all.



10 percent of American children have a parent with Alcohol Use Disorder; they will be at high risk if they drink. If you choose to drink alcohol, drink only after a meal and never on an empty stomach. Before drinking becomes a problem, switch to less concentrated alcoholic drinks like wine or beer and always keep track of how much you drink.


Get care from a physician who understands addiction and the medications that reduce alcohol craving, promote abstinence and help you drink less. Avoid any drug that could make you it’s slave.


Outdoor exercise exposes you to sunlight and vitamin D. Working out can decrease your interest in unhealthy habits. Join a class, play on a team, or find a hobby that you can love, especially one that keeps you active and surrounded by nature.


Omega-3 fat in food from the ocean can help stabilize your mood, and fish oil supplements may help you control your temper.  Enjoy olive oil, coconut oil, and "grass fed" butter but avoid the omega-6 fat found in oil from soy, peanut, safflower, corn, or meat from animals fattened on these seeds.


Drinks that taste sweet may be a satisfying substitute for alcohol when you crave a drink, but avoid sweets which contain high fructose corn syrup which is especially harmful.  Drink water and coffee instead.


Replenish essential vitamins and minerals.  Alcohol drinkers often need magnesium, zinc, thiamine and other nutrients to avoid health problems and promote recovery.    


Understand yourself. Don’t let denial of your situation prevent you from developing self-awareness. If you make poor decisions, find a good counselor who can help you make the best choices to achieve your goals.


Develop healthy habits and make the hard choices that are right for you.

Look for friends who will give you good counsel, friends with whom you feel safe and can be completely honest.  You will become like the people you are with so choose your friends wisely.  Be active in a group that will help you reach your goals. Isolation can keep you in darkness.


Eat the best food you can; pre-biotic foods such as vegetables, fruits, beans and oats will give you a healthy gut, but gluten and highly processed foods can cause problems. Pro-biotics such as Lactobacillus GG or even fermented foods like yogurt may help heal a liver damaged by alcohol.


Seek your purpose, be grateful, and encourage those around you. Find life’s meaning so you will have strength when difficulties come. Many people find strength by seeking an authentic relationship with God. Live free from the trap of alcohol.

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